Available Sets

Exotic Village

This set would have small adobe houses, some bamboo huts, and shop stalls. It is dressed with crates, drums, villagers, and palm trees

Mediterranean Village

This set has adobe houses and walls. It also has wooden fences livestock to populate the scene: cattle, chickens, sheep.


This set has a scrubland terrain mat and patches of various scrubby rough ground and trees. Also available is a dried riverbed and a cart track.

Small Monastery

A church (including confessional booth, bell tower, altar, and Triptych painting) and small outbuildings with wall surrounding


I have streams which are 2" across and a river which is 3" across. The rivers include a few nice scenics such as fords, rapids, and stone bridges.

Native Village

This is a collection of 6 paper round huts with grass roofs.
Picture to follow

European Ruins

A small set of ruined stone pillars, an arch, and a few assorted statues.
Picture to follow

Zeppelin interior

Cardstock interior of a zeppelin including hangar and very small cabins and corridors

Rustic Tavern

Wooden tavern interior that is fairly modular.

Miniatures Factions

The Old Wulf, Elsa, and assorted Zeppelin Crew
Lesa and the LuftSturmenWolfenTroopen (Zeppelin marines)  
Gretel and the SturmenWolfenTroopen (German infantry and HMG)
Seska and her spies
Brock Ironjaw and the Butterfly Safari    
The Nanarchists    
Director Ned E. Seagoon and his film Crew
Barooba-Ba and his Cannibal tribe    
Tu-Rok and the Neanderthals