Battle fought April 5 2009

French cavalry from I Corps 'boldly' scouts forward to discover the entire Russian army advancing quickly forward, Indeed, the Russian Guard and Heavy Cavalry are their lead elements in the center. There are two divisions of French on that blind to the left of and behind the Dragoons.


Meanwhile, on the French right, III Corps begins to shake out to engage the opposing Russians to their front. Note the massive gap in the French lines that is in front of the Russian Guard. It is 1000 hrs.


On the French left (or lack thereof), Russians are advancing on a wide front and will post two brigades on the road while sending the rest of that Corps into the flank of French I Corps.


Somewhere around 1130 hrs, the French III Corps is now hotly engaged in a back and forth battle with a Russian Corps. The Russians would go on to claim the hill.


The initial crisis point for the French. Their I Corps has sprinted forward en masse, intent on winning a race to the village at the top of the Hill. They would, moments after getting to that village, be driven out by Russian Grenadiers who would take the time to disorder the French with artillery fire and then form into line before charging home with the bayonet. In their haste the French cannon remain unusable, their cavalry has no room to manoeuvre, and the infantry columns will find they have no room to deploy into line. The Russians would get into lines, well supported by artillery and cavalry, and bring the French assault to a complete halt. By 1300 hrs the French I Corps would be obliged to voluntarily rout from the hilltop before they are surrounded by no less than six batteries of artillery firing at point blank range.
